02/06/2012 “OPERA PRIMA” TOUR
REGGIO EMILIA, Piazza Abruzzi (under the arch of Roma Street) Free event – 9,00 P.M.
REGGIO EMILIA, Piazza Abruzzi (under the arch of Roma Street) Free event – 9,00 P.M.
MIRANDOLA, PIAZZA COSTITUENTE 9,00 P.M. Info www.radiopico.it
TEATRO “SALAUMBERTO” ROMA 9,00 p.m. Info tickets http://www.salaumberto.com
TEATRO FANIN SAN GIOVANNI IN PERSICETO 9,00 p.m. Info tickets 334/1193025 www.cineteatrofanin.it
TEATRO VERDI BUSSETO 9,00 p.m. Info tickets http://www.bussetolive.com Download pdf
MONZA “TEATRO MANZONI” 9,00 p.m. Info tickets +39 039 386500 http://www.teatromanzonimonza.it/
Pala Casa Modena – Birthday of Modena Football Club 8,30 p.m.
Matteo is the protagonist of “Mozart a modo mio”, the new Tv show made by De Agostini Editore in association with AsLiCo (Associazione Lirica e Concertistica Italiana). The show is on air from March, 24th 2012 at 12,00 A.M. for 4 weeks on DeaKids Channel (601 of Sky). Watch on Youtube
17/03/2012 “OPERA PRIMA” TOUR Salsomaggiore Terme, “TEATRO NUOVO” 9,00 p.m. Info tickets 0524/586483 www.teatronuovosalsomaggiore.it